Content Creation
ASI Controls- Digital Marketing Campaigns
Adopting a new controls line is a major purchasing decision for a contractor. ASI recognized its long-lead sales process and the need to build a pipeline of prospective customers. I utilized digital advertising via Google Display Network, search marketing, Facebook advertising as an entry point for prospective customers into the sales funnel
I designed two of these ads to emphasize ASI Controls’ major selling points— industry-leading product durability and backward compatibility with older model products.
The third display ad focused on advertising a new software solution for building management.
VCU Career Services- Welcome Week
VCU Career Services wanted to engage with new students during Welcome Week events with the aim of building relationships that would last through the student’s academic career. I designed this 5” X7” card for student career ambassadors to hand out during Welcome Week. It was also distributed to Resident Advisors and was used in several Focused Inquiry classes.
The goal of the card was to educate students on the variety of things they could accomplish at Career Services and orient them toward some of the year’s major events.
ASI Controls- IntelliFRONT Whitepaper
I was asked to write a whitepaper highlighting some of the major reasons why our IntelliFront software was more efficient that it’s primary competitor Niagara. This piece was featured in our customer newsletter, used in digital marketing campaigns, and included in our info pack for prospective customers.
VCU Career Services- Marketing Strategy
When I joined VCU Career Services they office had just begun writing its strategic plan. I played a large role in helping to develop the overall strategic plan.
Once it was finalized and implemented I set toward writing a strategic communications plan that would help the office meet its overall goals. I conducted interviews with staff and students, implemented a student survey, and benchmarked peer institutions (including those in QUEST) as research for writing the plan. I then divided career services marketing strategy by primary audiences and wrote individual plans for communicating to each audience.
ASI Controls- Product Guidebook
ASI Controls strives for paperless marketing and sales collateral, however, it does have a product guidebook that is printed for the sales team to provide to potential customers.
I wrote and designed this 12 page book as an update to an older book that had become outdated. The original book was 18 pages and too costly to continue to print. My goal was to tell ASI Controls’ story will reducing production costs.
In addition to writing and designing this guidebook, I also worked with a local printing vendor to come up with a more cost-effective printing solution. Our production costs dropped approximately 40 percent.
VCU Career Services- Stall Seat Journal
The results of a campus-wide survey found that 80% percent of students had never heard of Career Services. Students were, however, very familiar with the Wellness Resource Center through the Stall Seat Journal Series of posters placed in bathrooms throughout campus.
Career Services collaborated with the Wellness Resource Center to create a special edition focused on informing students about VCU Career Services. I developed the concept, wrote the copy, and managed a student designer who created the poster.
This poster was wildly successful. Career Services saw a lift in student engagement after the posters were placed and a large number of students said the poster convinced them to visit career services. See a high-resolution version here
ASI Controls- Waldorf Astoria Las Vegas
An ASI Controls customer had just completed a massive renovation of the Waldorf Astoria Las Vegas and we wanted to showcase how the our controls help to improve the building’s efficiency.
I interviewed one of our customers and then wrote and designed this piece which was featured on our website and social media.
Socium Associates- Executive Management Proposal
Socium Associates is a management organization that I founded in 2018 aimed at providing strategic marketing and administrative support to professional associates. This proposal was created in response to a bid for administrative management of the Virginia Society of Health- System Pharmacists.
I developed the proposal in hopes of helping them improve members satisfaction, grow new membership, and provide valuable continuing education resources for all members.
I wrote and designed this proposal as well as creating the brand identity for Socium Associates.
ASI Controls- Customer Newsletter
Timely and relevant communication is key to any good marketing strategy. I produce two different campaigns as part of our email strategy. Customers receive a monthly newsletter that covers case studies, product news, and training information, etc.
A select group of more technical-focused users receives our Tech Updates emails on an ad hoc basis. In most cases, these emails make customers aware of ongoing issues, bug fixes, or firmware updates. I create these emails at the direction of our engineering department and send them to a segmented list of power users.
VCU Career Services- The Outcomes Survey
VCU Career Services helped to lead some of the university’s early efforts to collect student outcomes and first-destination data. I created this infographic using data I collected from the HireVCURams system.
This infographic accompanied an annual report written by the director. Its goal was twofold— to educate the university about student outcomes and to advocate for additional resources to further Career Service’s work.
VCU Career Services- Promo Video
VCU Career Services wanted to develop a video that would showcase what the office offers to students. I conceptualized, wrote, and directed the student who shot and edited the final product. This was played during open house and Welcome Week events for students.